As you all know my threeads routinely get deleted, caus like i am so predjuced against and i hate it, it makes me ANGRYY! anyway i am here today aserting my chockoness......are there any efnik chizk on da board? if yes where are yu all?
I was chatting online to a girl who is 17, until she mentioned she'd "slept" with roughly 20 guys. This immediately made me think she'd be loaded with std's and was a filthy slut. What is the general number of guys a girl has to sleep with to be considered a slut?
i am digusted right now by...
I am going there for construction management, i could of gone to UTS and am hoping i havent made a bad decision.
What does everyone think of newcastle uni?
is it better than UWS?
yo yo yo thiz is a question to everyone including all the fuly sik chockos, iz O week at newi uni worth going too? I've heard from a few ppl that it'z pretty wackk n like boring. Do lotz of hot chikz go there cauz if yes I will be attending but if not I will not make an appearence. Hektik...
Hi i'll put the marks i got in trial too
English Adv. 18/49 . 74%
Business Studies 6/35 76%
Mathematics 22/30 50ish
Economics 5/8 66%
PD/H/PE 8/33 63%
School ranked 170 in 2007, 213 in 2008
Estimates so far have said high 70's/low 80's without marks. So...
Adv.English 18/49
PdhPe 8/32
Business Studies 6/35
Mathematics 22/30
Economics 5/8
school rank 213
Just wondering what my atar wil be if i exclude physics (my worst subject). wasnt sure which forum to post thiz in. so i posted this thread in this one and guidance and coounsel.
Adv.English 18/49
Maths 22/30
PDHPE 8/32
Business Studies 6/35
Economics 5/8
School Rank Last Year: 213
Just wondering what my atar will be without including physics (my worst subject).
ok so i have 12 units, say i completely go heapz bad in physicz, like below 50%, but go good in all the others, does the physics one not get counted at all towards my atar?
Business Studies. 6/29
Advanced English 18/54
Mathematics. 22/30
Economics. 5/8
PD/H/PE. 8/32
Physics. 8/19
School was ranked 164 last year.
edit 213 it was ranked
what are return to play policies?? i have an essay question "Prepare return to play policies for injured touch football players" Not sure what to do? Any helP?