Offering tutoring for
Preliminary and HSC
* Legal Studies
* Ancient History
* Software Design and Development
* English Advanced, Extension and Extension 2
Central Coast, and Ultimo/City area. I tutor at Erina, Ultimo, Gosford or Kincumber libraries, other areas may be arranged...
Offering tutoring for
Preliminary and HSC
* Legal Studies
* Ancient History
* Software Design and Development
Central Coast, and Ultimo area. I tutor at Erina, Ultimo, Gosford or Kincumber libraries, other areas may be arranged (just check with me).
Contact me if you have any queries!
* Pompeii and Herculaneum
* Sparta
* Rome
* Caesar
I did ancient history last year and left my site up for those needing notes, guidance, etc -, just use the buttons to navigate to areas of specialty.
I now tutor the subject.
If anyone would like to...
I went to get my exam paper back through FOI, it was refused because BOS thought I'd be using the papers to get raw cut offs.
And they said I am dp624 - a user part of a campaign to disclose raw marks apparently.
Well I'm not dp624 and as I told them I really only wanted it back to see what...
Hey, a girl I know is at Macq and she's receiving notifications saying her fees are overdue (20th feb) yet the Census date should be 31st of march.
She's provided a TFN, and filled out a HECs-HELP form
I'm at UTS so I'm unsure of the process... is there any info anyone could give me as to...
anyone into them, slash, do anything exciting this year for it?
I actually did this year, so it was pretty nice
do they know if you're keen on them if you ask to meet up for dinner on valentines? (like is it clear enough)
Is it possible in any way to get our exam papers back? I know how secretive Board of Studies are with everything like raw marks.
so I sent them this email:
The Reply:
Has anyone else been more successful or know of any way to acquire our scripts through FOI somehow ?
Please move this...
I think I got accepted into the BIT course for UTS!
So incredibly stoked!
My family got a phone call from Anna while I was out, they said I was being offered one and that she had sent me an email with more information.
Trouble is, I haven't got the email...
But still - Wow! Just wow!
Just wondering about this program; has anyone else gotten the scholarship before?
Didn't work as hard as I should have due to varying reasons, and despite people saying "Nowai you are 98+ material" I don't believe its possible for me to get 98+ really.
So... the question is, does Maquarie...
Is it any good guys?
My bro bought it and the combat looks awful and unchallenging... and you don't die.
Thinking of playing it soon, in between seeing friends and bikeriding and reading and partying. haha.
Sorry to disappoint you.
But the principles of Equity developed in the King's Court.
When more people started to go to the soverign and his council for aid, he delegated the responsibility to his Chancellor.
Thus, equity evolved...
Technically, the correct one is the KING'S...
All three options for the new HSC syllabus eliminate imaginative writing in the paper.
I know we might be from 2008 but come on guys, this is a blatant mistake. Creative writing, adhering to conventions...
I am fairly sure that the Multimedi one of, if not the lowest (apart from 'Film') submitted categories across the range.
So, for any of those future-seeking people (2008-whenever they finally remove the Ext.2 course, and they have been thinking about it) who need to review past websites or...
Okay, let me start out, I thought the website media would be originally great and everything, a form I knew well and one which was a little more relaxed in terms of word count.
But now when I've been developing my concept I've realised despite the fact I have read so many texts which can...
Okay, I know especially with those of you who do Sparta for your HSC, there are a decided lack of credible sources on the internet. Well, I'm not here to judge my own site - you can judge if its a credible source or not.
I try to quote modern and ancient historians, I'll admit myself I am a...