I am tutoring Biology for any year 11 or 12 student from now on. This is particularly for anyone wishing to get a head start on the course throughout the summer holidays as I am fully available. So if you are finding that you are already having trouble with the course after year 11 (or think...
Does ne1 think its worth it preparing all episodes or poems of a prescribed text for the modules paper? I'm doing Harwood and Frontline and its such a bitch to remember points for everything just in case the question asks u to refer to a specific poem/episode. Do u think it's worth it???
Kk so we're doing the Gwen Harwood critical study module at school and r gonna start writing essays and having assessments soon... Does ne1 know how to go about studying for an essay based assessment task? Like should I cover all poems? How many quotes? Should I study readings and then base...
Desperately looking for a quote from If on a Winter's night a traveller- its says something about transfering the readers thoughts straight onto the page or something like that... Ne1 know what chapter its in or page number? I feel like i've searched the whole book a million times (Jks I could...