Hey guys,
I reallly desperately need the phone number to Fairfield ABC tutoring college which tutors primary to high schooler kids and is located near the station?
Do any of you guys know the phone number please??
How do you know when you're doing a chem eqn whether to write
a) HA -> H+ + A-
b) A- + H2O -> HA + OH-
because i read it had somewhere to do with acids or bases or the strength of the acid......and i just got *reallly* confused. :spzz:
Hey guys,
I failed one subject in sem 2- so now next year in sem1 I can only do 2 subjects and sem 2 two subjects.
The year after I can do 2 and 3 subjects....so my workload has decreased. Does this mean my youth allowance will decrease? Any ways to stop this? Btw, if it helps i do pharmacy...
I'm gonna be doing my DKT Test very soon and I'm freaking scared that I won't pass.
I've been doing the practice ones from the online DKT as offered by the RTA..I heard that the practice ones are the ones in the actual DKT Test. Is that true?
We were notified by UAC of our uni offers in our account and we're supposed to bring "UAC Offer slips" on enrolment day? These slips, do we print them off our account or are we actually sent by mail formal slips of paper by UAC?
Thanks. :rofl:
Starting to work at Maccas....
Hey, are females always at the front...and males at the back?
When a new person is training, are they always stuck at the back and for how long?
Is it hard to use a cashier?
Just questions...
:burn: Maccas is making me burn up...it can be so confusing sometimes....
Hey ppls,
Does it basically mean that if you don't get an offer tomorrow means, you've no hope of getting a course in the "Main Round". I know that the "Main Round" is for a period of time but somebody told me that most of the offers are given out tomorrow....and no offer= change...
Is the Cityrail flexipass and the travel pass the same thing?
I checked up the cityrail thing...and in the fare clalculator, there was no fare for the travel pass! >_<
So I assumed it was the same as flexipass. I'll probably be buying the green travelpass, so anyonce can help on that?
Oh, and...
Hey guys,
I know this probably is irrelevant but I don't know where to stick this thread anymore. I'm thinking about getting youth allowance and I checked out centrelink for some info but I'm confused.
~ I'm thinking of moving out of home...does this make me independent already? So even if I...
Hey ppls,
Did my HSC this yr and do students get to know what units counted towards to their UAI?
Cos, for some reason...UAC has given my UAI stuff, but they haven't told me which units counted in my UAI....><
Is this weird?
UAC better not charge me extra money to find out which units counted...
Hey ppls,
I've got a question about the HECS fee of the health science courses at USYD. Ummm, could anybody tell me the average of HECS fee each year?
And more importantly, can somebody translate the HECS info booklet into understandable English? Is everybody who fits the 'requirements' is...
I've been reading the HECS-Help 2009 booklet. Hah, so much for the 'help' bit. Its actually gotten me even more confused than I need to be. Does everybody get a CSP place if they're eligible? Can somebody just simplify the info into more easier info to digest? What's a provider? Ugh...><
What jobs can u enter once you leave uni?
Is it easy to get a job?
Is the pay good?
Some friends have been telling me that this course is pretty useless and hard to get a job in....>_<
Yo, I've got a stack of questions...sorry about that...but I just wanna ask:
My UAI is around 92...is it possible to get into pharm or physio or med?
How would I transfer from a course? I don't know the specifics...
Did a bit of research on possible courses...and...occupational therapy's UAI...
Hey, just wondering (no actually, stressing) over this. Got a UAI around 92 and is it possible to get into med in uni (by transferring) next year? Plus how would I transfer? I'm not sure on the details. >_< :bomb:
Also another scenario I'm confused:
Imagine a uni course with only *one* last...
Hey guys, found a stack of questions I *couldn't* do...which is sorta streesful cos it's like very close to the HSC...:burn:
1. Are homeotic genes, homeobox genes and the gene homologue the same thing? Any info on this would be great!
2. Also, I'm not really sure about DNA Fingerprinting...
Okay, I'm thinking about physiotherapy at Newcastle...:wave:
However, I checked the freakin' UAC guide and it said "Accreditation with the Australian Council of Physiotherapy Council is in progress. The program has been granted interim accreditation pending the outhcome of the application for...
Hey...I'm doing the HSC dis year and I'll be applying for physio at CSU.
I kinda want to know what the campus is like and whether the course is good.
I've already looked around on the CSU website and its pretty generic (and yes, like other unis...it sounds a bit too good to be true...^^).
Ummm...help! I missed the 2008 STAT test this year becos I forgot to register...OMG...what do I do? Somebody told me that in one year there are 2 STAT Tests...I've been surfing the net and haven't found anything on the 'second date'.....anybody with knowledge on this? please help? I'm...