hear me out guys.
i did my chemistry CSSA paper the other day.
n the school told me that my trial paper + 2 other guys trial papers were missing
for the chemistry trials.
i mean.. how can a school be so irresponsible ..
now they r making me sit another replacement exam.
but.. only 3...
i have a chemistry oral about water quality
i just have to represent my speech for 6 minutes
basically everything that has got to do with the topic water quality
but it got me more confused,
as i rly dont know what to talk about..
any help would be appreciated thanks!
im doing text "whose life is it anyway" for my text
and for my trials i need to present an oral assessment
its jst picking up a random character n explaining about
their insights gained, extensions in their knowledge and so on.
can anyone briefly give a case in Ken Harrison's...
im just wondering what kind of UAI i could achieve with these results
8/12 Maths ext2
8/57 Maths ext1
10/34 Chemistry
1-2/50 english ESL
Average Distinctions for Accounting. (TAFE)
my school rank is pretty shitty. Guessing around 180th