How well does a science degree complement law? currently tossing up between comm/LLB and science/LLB as i know that for commerce, majoring in finance, taxation law or accounting can complement a law degree fairly well whereas for science i don't really see a connection.
I'm leaning towards...
How well does an accounting major complement law? i've heard that its the most common major for a comm/LLB degree and thus thought that there were careers which required a knowledge of both accounting and law.
However, i've heard from some people that accounting doesn't go too well with law...
The School Student Transport Scheme is changing.
Effective from Term 1 of 2009, students will be able to apply for School Rail and Bus Passes. The Passes will entitle the holding student to travel on services provided by CityRail, Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries, Newcastle Buses and Ferries...
Hey i was just wondering... has anyone done STAT yet? I personally know quite a few year 11s doing it so they can get it out and not worry about it in year 12. I'm planning to do it on the 18/10 for this reason also.
For you people that dont know, STAT is basically an admissions test kinda...
Who is looking forward to year 12? Confident? Scared? Excited?
Starting in a couple of weeks:jaw: . Will you guys be studying everyday?
Let me hear some of your thoughts.
Ok heres the question.
ABC is an acute-angled triangle.
i)Show that: tan(A+B)=-tanC
ii)Hence, show that: tanA+tanB+tanC=tanA.tanB.tanC
EDIT: Nvm, i got it lol
For (i) A+B+C = 180 (angle sum of a triangle)
therefore A+B=180-C
(ii) tan(A+B)=-tanC...
So who has done their math/math ext prelimary final paper?
Any unusual or hard questions that you came across? If so, can you please post the question here if you got the answer or not, i wanna practice before exam next week.
Any math questions that anyone need help in can be posted to, i'll...
Hi all, next week i have my final preliminary exams and to go with chemistry and physics exams (2h each), i also have to sit for an addition 1hr "practical-based" paper for each. These practical exams are worth 25% each for prelim =|
Anyway.. has anyone had a prac exam for chem or phys this...