Does sydu appling same policies for both international and demostic student?
is it easy and possible to re apply and take up the defered course?
If i obtained Australia permanent resident before the enrolment date, do i have to pay the full fees as an international student?
Does UNSW appling same policies for both international and demostic student?
is it easy and possible to re apply and take up the defered course?
If i obtained Australia permanent resident before the enrolment date, do i have to pay the full fees as an international student?
I have a ATAR of 82.75
and i had been allocated a interview in 5th of january,
what document should i bring to the interview except the one has listed,
what question should i expect,
and how should i prepare for this interview?
i am totally failed in english standard, probably will get a result of <10 atar for english, so the final atar probably<80. And i will remain as a international student untill June next year, (so far can not apply for specially consideration and other studies disadvantage eg. distance education...
in the calculations, how do you know where is the number needs to be round up to eg 2 decimal place, 2 significant figures, and when the number needs to be rounded eg molecular weight of H should use 1.008g or just 1g. even the number is round during the calculation, is it better to keep the...
the Q9 and particularly Q10 are always the part that draggs the mark done. it is often gives some calculus questions, i find it very difficult to solve. please share your tips and suggestions for doing these questions, thank you!
do you have to know the advantage & disadvantage & process for all or some of the analytical techniques include ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy, scanning tunnelling microscopy and atomic force microscopy?
and this will be for which dot point?
the text i learnt is pygmalion,
i am so confuse by the ideas,
when come to essays, i can relate it to the 'human experiences'
can anyone help me, any important quote, themes needs to take notice of?
i am doing pygmalion for this module.
but somehow i getting so confused about it,
can anyone help me with it,
like the important quote and the themes related to the HSC.:uhoh:
just wondering how much in number of word that we are expect to write in a HSC exam for extened responses or in english exam according to times such as 15min, 20min? my teacher told me that always try to complete the booklet, but everyone have a different size of writing.