okay so my friend woke up to see that he failed 1 of his subjects by 2 marks. um so my question is what should he do now? like does he need to repeat the subject in the summer holidays? and he has applied to transfer to a different course. will this affect his chances to transfer next sem? btw...
so the exam timetables are up if use havent already checked lol. so when are your examss..
mine are as followss :
thursday week 14 - everyday life
wednesday 16th june @ 8:30am - australia and the world
tuesday 22nd june @ 8:30am - english, text and writing
so i watched the firstt episode of the good wife a couple of weeks ago and got hooked on it but i missed out on last weeks episode but ye all good loll.. anyone fan of the show? :D
can anyone please care to explain wat "vuws" does and how it operates lol coz i logged in it today and i didnt know how to use it and such
thanks in advanced :D
soo i went into uni to get my student id card today. took the photo and it lookd so shocking :| .. wasnt even ready for it so i lookd dead loll
anyone elsee hates there id photo :D
Anyone chukin an all nighter on dec16 for im sure many, many reasons including for myself and for the many year12ers out dere...wont be able to sleep as we will be thinking and stressing about our markss to much during the night/morning! lol :eek:
hey um i duno if this is the right forum for this but oh well soryy..im just wondering when does the UAC book come out? coz im dyin to know how much i needa get for my coursee lol :)
I'm currently studying shoe horn sonata (distinctively visual) in class and i need to find 2 related texts for the essay were about to start.. so if anyone has ani ideass pleasee help me
thanks :)
hey all .. i have to create a visual representation of the stages by which Billy Elliot goes into the world and again for 2 other related texts ... really needing help finding the other 2. so if ani1 has suggestions plz reply back =]
Heyyy...the essay questions is
‘Despite and Individuals desire to belong to a group or community, this is not always possible.’ How do these texts you have studied represent the process and results of belonging and/or not belonging?
We hav to do 3 poems and 2 different texts, the poems im...
im currently studying "Peter Skrzynecki" poems and writing an essay using three of his poems plus 2 related texts .. i really need information on "In the Folk Museum" :angry:. i got under a paragraph of information but needing more .. so if anyone has more info .. please reply .. its duee firstt...