Okay the question goes
Phenolphthalein indicator turns pink in the presence of OH- ions. Consider a simple galvanic cell in which the two electrodes are zinc and iron, immersed into a saltwater electrolyte containing phenolphthalein...
a) at which electrode will the electrolyte turn pink? (i...
just want to ask, i came across with this question asking if the concentration of one of the ion in the oxidation half-cell increases, would the voltage increase or decrease...
The answer it decreases...
Can anyone explain to me why???
Thanks =]
\alpha is a root of x^{4}+2x^{3}+ax^{2}+2x+1=0 and a does not equal to 2,-6
i showed the first question and second question that
i) \alpha\neq 0, \pm 1
ii) x=\frac{1}{\alpha}
but im up to the third part of the question that asks me to deduce if \alpha is a multiple root, then its multiplicity...