So everyone's claiming how sexy their journal is ... We want proof. Post your pictures, or just a description of the awesomeness of your Journal here!
Mine's a nice black (narrow) bantex ringbinder. It's A4x3cm thick (I think ... My teacher has kidnapped it this weekend :P). I got a ringbinder...
I'm sure we've all heard someone say "I'm SOOOOOOOOOO fat!" but do you have a friend who is
-skinny (or slimmer than you at least)
-constantly saying they're fat
I do. And it's is so annoying.
I know my role is life is to make my friends look good (as the token fat white girl in a group of...
I REALLY want to drop chem, but it means I'll only have 10 units for 2010 HSC. I do well in all my other subjects (within top ten) but chem is bad on so many levels for so many reasons. I can't take up Senior science because I'm doing Physics. But am I digging a hole by only doing 10 units...
I am going crazy out of my mind because for my first Year 11 Physics assessment task, I have been set an impossible problem:
Identify an area of current research on the application (technology) of your choice, naming the Australian Scientist invovled, the advancement in the technology realised...