Hey has anyone got an answer if they got in for a Creative Arts course yet?
I haven't and I really want to know if anyone else has recieved theirs?
I applied for Creative Writing.
Hey everyone, hope you are all pleased with your results. Curious what were your marks for e2 major project? How many people got 40>, 48>, 49> or 50?
I got 48/50 external and 47/50 internal.
Okay so I got the Nolan Award for Excellence in Creative Writing. What is it? I get the idea from the title, but who is this "Nolan"? Also can only people in Extension two English get it? If so, I suck... There was only two of us:P.
Anyone else watching season four illegally online?
I think I've earned it though, I've brought all the other season collections on dvd.
Why can't Australia or Comedy air Venture?
Damn you CartoonNetwork for selling out!
ADULT SWIM USED TO BE FANTASIC! Now it's just like a rape victim...
Placebo are playing in Febuary.
I can't wait *implodes*.
Don't pay for Soundwave if only going for Placebo.
Just wanted to alert everyone since I was so close to paying for Soundwave to just see Placebo and maybe Eagles of Death Metal.
Hey, someone told me about this poem by John Donne that was in their HSC.
I can't for the life of me remember the title though. Apparently it was about a man looking on a woman's portrait and ends up killing the woman. Based on a histroical event.
Anyway who studied Donne this year know the...
Please excuse the internet slang in the title.
Yeah just wondering how many people who don't have Asian background are doing Japanese continuers?
I'm struggling at the moment, I've gone from being a band six student to band three.
Any suggestions for kanji and vocabuary rememberance?