I got my results and it turns out I failed mm2, i wasn't brilliant at the subject but I was sure that i did well enough throughout the subject and I'm certain that my knowledge of the subject is more than adequate to complete the rest of my subjects. How can I request for an appeal or special...
Ok, this is the exact copy of the question-
"A stone is catapulted at time t = 0, with an initial velocity of magnitude 21.4 m/s and at an angle of 39.2° above the horizontal. What are the magnitudes of the (a) horizontal and (b) vertical components of its displacement from the catapult site at...
I want to bypass the annoying as hell system with the UTS-WIRELESS access point (logging in with Juniper). Does anybody know how to log in to the UTS-WPA access points?
I can't seem find any links to my timetable information and ability to change around the times. It used to be accessible under the Enrolment tab under subjects in MyStudentAdmin but it is no longer there...help?
I'm doing the 'Start at UTS' thing on their website (directed from the early offer on UAC) and I'm at part 2 which is asking for a student number which I have no idea what it is or how to get it. Any help?
I can't seem to find it in my Maths in Focus text books but why when solving a limit such as
Lim sin3x
x>0 x
Why do you have to divide by 1/3 on the inside and multiply by 3 on the outside...I don't remember covering that. :S
Thanks guys
They pretty much give you the equation C=1000 (5-x+2.6 sqrt(x^2+9)) and I assumed you have to find the first derivative of it to get the stationary points and ultimately the minimum, but when I tried to differentiate and solve for dC/dx = 0 I ended up with x^2+9=13/5, which does not have any...
I've been doing past papers and I can't find the answers anywhere and just wanted a double check on one of my answers. I have to find the first derivative of (sin x) / (x +1) so far I have (cos x (x+1) - sin x)/(x+1)^2 I am unsure how to simplify further.
Alright first off lets get things sorted out.
I go to Greystanes High (Rank 466, ergh)
Subjects - Adjusted Exam Mark - Rank - Estimated HSC Mark
Adv English - 46% - 20/25 - 50%
Business Studies - 79% - 3/31 - 80%
Engineering Studies - 80% - 1/9 - 85%
Extension 1 Maths - 76% - 1/3 - 75%...
Ok, first let me get this clear that it's not my teacher, but in the short time I've dealt with her, she has been nothing but incredibly rude to me.
Here's the story-
Last wednesday was MAD (Music, Art, Drama) Night at our school and the year 12s did their performances that are being assessed...
I'm just trying to cheer up my girl and reassuring her that her performance is very well done.
Composed by michael, the guy in the black (or green sometimes, sorry about the UV cam).
What are you're opinions?
YouTube - Hollow
The lighting change isn't part of it, it was me filming it turning...
Half yearlies tomorrow. I've been trying to get a damn essay plan done for one of the 2 essays for English Adv. 9 Hours on that. 90 Words to show. Every time I get an idea it turns out I can't find a quote or technique to show it in the texts, it doesn't link through the texts, or it doesn't...
At the moment now, I have had no time to study for any other subject because there's been such a demand for english. My half yearlies are going to suffer...
Everyone at my school complains about it (probably generic throughout most schools but whatever). My ranks are as follows-
English - 26/33
Business Studies - 1/37
Engineering Studies - 1/15
Ext 1 Maths - 1/3
IPT - 1/23
2U Maths - 2/27
Physics - 1/10
I'm not complaining or anything (well...
Does anybody know about any of the values expressed in this scene, we have to compare them to the relating scene in Looking for Richard and I can't manage to think of any.
I'm curious on how English will impact my UAI. What would I get for this-
Subject - Ranking - Aligned Mark
IPT - 1/27 - 94%
Maths 2U - 2/19 - 95%
Maths 3U - 1/3 - 80%
Engineering Stud. - 1/12 - 94%
Physics - 1/10 - 89%
Business Studies - 1/54 (27 if its class only) - 96%
English Adv - 33/39 -...
Well pretty much I got this calendar that has one question per day, they range from insanely simple to not so insanely simple, but I'll be posting them here each day just to see how people go, and for some fun.
So I'll go with Feb 6-
I'm kinda stumped.
We're doing Richard III for our HSC this year, and I just noticed that all the links to translation books or anything like that have absolutely disappeared, like someone has gone and purposely removed them to ensure that we do not have the ability to attain one of these books from anywhere...