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  1. G

    My PIP topic, need opinion's and advice about it.

    I'm still thinking of a PIP topic but right now I want to do it on "the dependence of teens on internet" Is that too BROAD? could i narrow down by changing it to "The dependence of teens on internet compared to books"? Or could I do my PIP on "effects of mobile phones on the...
  2. G

    Rotary 4 Way Speech, HELP!

    Well, im doing a speech on Monday, for rotary anyone done anything relating to it, i just need to know what others have done, and there expediences, How long it went for.
  3. G

    N Award

    I'm getting a N award from my accounting teacher for missing class 3 time or 4 times and missing a test. First of all I thought I had dropped accounting because I selected my year 12 subjects and I did not include Accounting...( o and im in year 12 now..I was in year 11 like last term)....that...
  4. G

    Topic suggestions for PIP and basic outline help

    Hey, I'm in year 11..and I don't really like SOC..because of my teacher....she like just hands out work, we do it, but she doesn't go over them. When we ask questions if they're too big she'll just answer one of them and then say "The rest of you havn't been doing your work properly and need to...
  5. G

    Best Sound metaphor, similie personfication youve ever heard.

    Name says it all folks
  6. G

    Short Story Help.

    Umm i have muh english trials tomoz, for the creative writing. I need an module which i will ammend but anywayz, What short story did you and do you any metaphors or similie that are so good you use day in day out. Thanks
  7. G

    Somewhere Friendly (Poem ) Help

    I need notes on this poem "somewhere friendly by Bruce Dawe"
  8. G

    Inequality Help!!!!!!

    <HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1; COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- google_ad_section_start -->let x and y be positive real number. Prove that (p+2)(q+2)(p+q)>(or equal to) 16pq Now everybody dont think i havent tried i have, im not bullshitting. I need this answer by tonite any help will be...
  9. G

    Have a Look. Inequality

    let x and y be positive real number. Prove that (p+2)(q+2)(p+q)>(or equal to) 16pq Now everybody dont think i havent tried i have, im not bullshitting. I need this answer by tonite any help will be appreciated. Yours Sincerely Gayvin.