I found it SUPER EASY finished in 2hours and 15minutes and had time to check over my answers. Will tell you my result when l get them in December :D, can't wait.
l got mx1 on wednesday and 2unit tomz. l feel pretty comfortable for 2unit but not really for 3unit, l got 11 units. Should l do abit of study for 3unit today? or should l just go hard out 2unit and start 3unit monday arvo and whole of tuesday?
l have memorised 5,000 words from my Hamlet essay. Is this worthwhile or was it best to memorise a shorter essay and more techniques/quotes/etc.? BTW l do not intend to write 5,000 words in the exam. Memorising more information means l can pick out the most necessary paragraphs which relate to...
What is your opinion of people going to sleep 3-5am in the morning prior to there english trial paper 2 tomorow. l personally will probably do it because english all you need to memorise is the techniques/quote etc from 3 essays. l dont see how a lack of sleep can adversely affect you in the exam.
Obviously to increase your mark is to do past papers. With subjects that require writing is it best just to look at the question then do the answer in your head or put dot points and explain it to urself, then check answers and see if your rite? If you right it, you would only be wasting time...