My school is having there trial examinations 21st of june, this is bullshit, it collides with most seminars and i feel like i had time-restaints lol . is there any action i can take on my school to make them extend time till trials.
hey guys, i've been reading about concentration drugs and there study benefits ,
i was just wondering if any one here takes Ritalin for study purposes without actual prescription?
They principles of overdoing something can be related to sport although i don't know if it applies to studies also ,
At this point and time I'm starting construct my study regime for after new years and i was just inquiring what's the limit per day.
i was thinking of something along the lines...
Measuring intellignece ; Math vs English
Ok so my brother is a math gun; he did 4unit in school went to uws then got into usydney for statistics and me well i dislike math with a passion lol.
Ok so we got into a arguement about english measuring intelligence beter than maths he claims its...