someone help me i am having biggest goober moment
5 apartments
1: MM 2: WM 3: WW 4: WWWM 5: MMW (m=man w=woman)
knock on rando door and woman answers. what is the probability you are at apartment 2
"what is the maximum number of edges a graph with 6 vertices can have with no cycles of length 3"
i'm assuming there can be cycles of more than 3
i got 9
BUT i want to know what the pattern is if one exists. I know there is one for planar graphs (Kuratowski's theorem) but what if they...
So it has recently been brought to my attention that eating disorders are a tad ubiquitous and people may or may not turn to the wrong people/places for help
ITT: we talk about our ED's in a way that may
a) help non ED people understand
b) give people who are crash dieting a window into why...
I stumbled upon this:
and it made me ask myself what I would order.
I actually think I would ask for a 'single plum, floating in perfume served in a mans hat'
Ok so I am at uni doing a "working mathematically" course that focuses on problem solving.
The lecturer defined problem solving as a bunch of stuff, but what is relevant to this post is that he said 'you don't know a predetermined answer, you have to decide where to stop' so this is more of a...
Ok so I am at uni doing a "working mathematically" course that focuses on problem solving.
The lecturer defined problem solving as a bunch of stuff, but what is relevant to this post is that he said 'you don't know a predetermined answer, you have to decide where to stop' so this is more of a...
ITT: post interesting documentaries everyone should watch/download (legally)
the grand design - stephen hawking
food inc. - the guy that did supersize me
all of the blue planet - david attenborough
ok your turn
I found this list on the internet *somewhere* thought it was p cool.
I also think that "Testify" by Rage Against the Machine references 1984 by Orwell ("who controls the past now controls the future, who controls the present now controls the past" and heaps of references to like your worst fear...
what is that website where a baulkham hills/ruse teacher/someone (i forget where they are from) has all the 4 unit syllabus on slide show/video type things that you can download?
i need it for my teaching resources
Ivorytw aka Ebony is the best chef, cook and baker on these forums (at least) (i'll fight you if you disagree with me) and she has been nice enough to share her recipes with BoS.
ITT: Ebony posts delicious recipes!
Post your favourite workout songs.
I usually listen to Iron Maiden and if I hear party rock anthem on the radio, I'll put my ipod on pause and listen to it. It's just so damn catchy.
My car won't start. I live at Edward's Hall and need someone to drive me to jesmond/waratah so I can buy duct tape and fix the problem.
Any takers? There's a hug in it for you!
Have you ever been fraped or face-hacked? How far is too far?
Share your experiences here.
Last night, I got "I'm so itchy. Is talcum powder bad for the private parts?"
I'm studying maths teaching, we have a paper due today. I've finished it, so have a lot of other people.
I just read on facebook another guy in my degree 'it'll be a monday morning job'. I told him it was due today, he said our tutor said he could hand it in on monday and gave him a 'don't tell...
Hey everyone, I'm currently writing a lesson plan for data analysis for general prelim.
I'm giving them a correlation question and making them come up with questions to ask people, then getting them to analyse their data and determine if there is a correlation/trend or not.
So far I've got...