I've noticed that some unis like UNSW offer courses like B civil engineering and B electrical engineering but how does B engineering work? Is it like the flexible first year program where you would transfer into a more specific line of engineering e.g. aeronautical engineering after a year...
After dedicating already 12-13 years of our lives to school, what will life be like after we finish? Will there be a time where we are just as happy as when we were in school? People tell me uni is overrated and getting into the workforce is worse. Sounds like a pretty sad life to me....
There is a section in the application which is labelled "optional closing statement (anything else you want to add?)" and I had no idea what to write for it and I didn't have anything additional to say since it asked many questions which already allowed me to say what I wanted to say so I just...
So my cousin will be going into yr 11 next year and he's worried about being forced to repeat yr 10 because he failed PE or something. And he started sprouting stuff bout N awards and stuff. If I remember correctly, N awards are something along the lines of non-attempting something or another...
Recently I am considering studying engineering in uni but my problem is I haven't done any physics in yr 11/12. I have not decided on what kind of engineering I'd want to head into but physics is assumed knowledge for basically all the engineering courses. I do take biology and 3u maths, not...
Title says it all. Any related notes would be helpful as well. And please don't tell me that it has been posted before on this website because I did try looking before asking. All the old links are dead.
Thanks in advance ^_^
I have a test on Monday and i cannot understand the plain form. when do you add the だ (da)、かった(katta) or the だった (datta) ???? What verbs/nouns/adjectives do you use it on? I really don't get it. T_____T
I don't get the grammar point "saying 'I'll go and...' Verb て form + きます
Back in my junior high years i never really studied but now there is just too much work that i need to do work everyday. I roughly do 2 hours of homework everyday. Maybe four hours on sunday. So how much do you study?
What is the recommended amount of time put into study per day?
I just recently bought a maths and biology excel study guide but my friends say i shouldn't have bought it because it's not good. They said that macquarie was better. Is it? I flipped through the excel maths and i personally thought it was pretty good because i actually got the explanations. So...