I was looking at combined Commerce/Science (ecology) and for ecology a core course is MATH1041 Stats for Life & Soc Sciences, and I can also pick that as my core stats course for Commerce. Does that mean I have an extra course to choose from?
and please don't comment on my erratic...
I was wondering if anyone has had experience of transferring and catching up on courses? Say you transferred mid year and you missed a core course that is only available in Semester 1, would you have to do it the following year and then have a larger workload?
I was figuring out my timetable and I have Law and Science classes right after one another (not really a surprise, but annoying that they will be on different sides of campus).
Does the lectures/labs usually finish on time or start late? Because it looks as though I am going to have to...
I was wondering what happens if you don't complete honours in the Environmental Science degree, would you still get the degree with a (major) after it? or would you not get the degree at all?
I was fiddling around with rectangles for environmental science courses, and a huge proportion of each course each week is lab. I can guess that this involves experiments and dissections, are they interesting??
Hey, I attend a disadvantaged school and had an EAS application automatically applied for. Does anyone know how many bonus points it gives you?
I intend to study at UNSW and they do take it into consideration when giving offers.
I have intended to do advanced science (tailored to be an environmental science degree) for some time and was wondering if a combined degree in law would be beneficial when becoming an environmental scientist working in a company. Obviously the company would have to comply with environmental...