1) All of a sudden, I cannot log into my myUNSW account and I want to enrol to my courses. I have made a timetable, but they are pending. Will I still be saved into my courses just in case I still cannot get into my myUNSW account?? I was locked out and then I unlocked, and it still did not...
I went on this link https://my.unsw.edu.au/classutil/
and it's really confusing and some classes are already 100% full what??
And from what I understand we should be making our timetables pretty quick to get what we want?
Also, where is a link that shows exactly how to do this all...
I am confused, are they automatically added onto my ATAR? (The points come from doing a U@UNSW program in year 11 in 2011 where I was eligible for up to 10 bonus points and I received 8 overall.)
Hi, I just want to make sure that what I choose is correct.
I was reading about it further to just see what it involves, etc.
And since I want to pursue journalism, this is my first preference. Just so I feel a bit more secure, is this the correct degree I should place?
I don't mind telling my family, because they are family and they are really proud of me.
I am not embarrassed about my atar, but I just don't feel the need to tell people what it is, because I am worried about judgements.
Next year I am going back to school again for an awards thing for...
I have 7 so far, however I thought I look into UTS, and B Arts Communication (Journalism) seemed interesting to me. However, they do not award bonus points for this, and my ATAR is below the cut off.
I don't know what else to choose, I have already placed UNSW courses, USYD and one Macq...
I am quite happy, however for Studies of religion 2, i am surprised because i received 85, when the whole year i was receiving 90+ results?? I don't understand, it says my examination results = 85, and assessment mark = 85? Could that be a mistake??
Well I have it but I have been forgetting about it. The thing is, if I send it tomorrow, I don't know if it will get there before Friday, and I don't want to pay for a late fee.
Also, I was wondering if it is worth it? Because in my case, I said I put financial disadvantage ( I receive youth...
Hi :)
In my reports I was comign 4th/23 in my English Adv class, but then online it says 7/23. My trials marks were lower than what I usually get, so does that mean that the trials pulled me down? (because i was getting over 90 until trials) Just want to make sure that is normal.
Btw if...
Sorry I cannot seem to find one. I am curious of my school rank.
In 2009, it was 308, then in 2010, went up to 256. It wouldn't have changed much in 2011 would it?
Okay, so with todays essay question, I was just wondering how I approach other questions that are similar (for english). What I mean is, if the question sounds like a statement, I sort of feel like it is true (depending how the question is worded) and so it is difficult for me to manipulate the...
If the BOS does this for section one, I don't really know if I have a back up, I mean i would have to find one that I know pretty well... but should I spend much time on this?
And for Paper two of English adv, in conflicting perspectives they can ask for your prescribed text and TWO other...
I mean since the exams are closer and closer, I am getting really scared of the process, fear of not even improving, fear of WAITING for the ATAR and the day I open that text or email...
What do you do to not get so worried about it all?
Since I am getting trial marks lately... I mean, I am feeling okay, but you know, I now have heaps more motivation to do even better.
I have received modern, but without section 4 because the teacher hasn't finished marking it. But I can already predict it, and it will be in the low 70's. So I...
Atm I am making any last minute editing to my PIP, double checking spelling etc.
But I am confused on how I am meant to reference my primary research? I use harvard style btw if that is any help.
I have a pdf from the board of studies on presentation etc, but I am unsure also about how long...