Im doing b com at unsw atm and I'm enjoying the degree, however, i wanted to find out what criteria i need to meet (i.e WAM) to transfer into b com/b media in semester 2 or something.
I got the AAA from my school and I'm also eligible for EAS. That means I can get 3 points for aaa and not sure about EAS. Hypothetically, say I get 4 for EAS, do they all apply for law or does unsw law have a threshold for the amount of EAS points/total bonus points they accept?
Since 4u/2u have been changed to /100 marks and 3u to /70 marks, does that mean you would have more time relative to past years or has the structure/difficulty of the exams been changed so that the actual length of the exam is still around the same?
In starting to prep for the hsc from now, I'm starting wonder what the best way to prep for English is.
I'm gonna start by writing what I do + ill ask what everyone else recommends on doing for each paper/section. I've made this thread mainly cos I need help on how to prep generic essays...
So if you're ranked first in your cohort you are not affected by the rest of your cohort. But does it matter if you're ranked first by 1% or 20% - or is it the same thing?
For the dot point
deduce the ions present in a sample from the results of tests
Is it better to memorize something like the flow charts on the dot point on hsc online
Or is it better to memorize a table that shows...
Probs my worst part of the paper. We have an AOS exam on Wednesday and I'm not sure on how to tackle this section.
Teacher told me to prepare a few creatives and apply one, but in saying that, to what depth do I prepare each? Or should I just spend 5mins in the exam thinking of a story and...
Not sure if its just me, but i cant even use this site properly cos its been so slow... Its just this site, but not sure why its so slow... Sometimes i try loading it and it tells me "database error".
Time for mods to stop infracting and warning people and time for them to actually do...
For the are of study and modules in which you need a related text,
Is it recommended that you write about two related texts or stick with the prescribed text + 1 related text combo?
Read the section on scaling if you're interested. This personally answered all my questions.
The HSC Physics Marathon is an open chain of questions between students. It works by answering a question then posting another question and allowing the cycle to repeat itself.
- After answering a question, always provide a new one - this is what keeps the thread alive.
- Allocate a...
Will be interesting to see how this goes. Less problem solving, this is primarily for revision etc.
Same rules apply but also allocate marks.
Good idea would be to get questions from past papers, mainly on the global economy and Australia's place in the global economy.
Also to make things a...
Mainly aimed at the 2013ers because I'm curious and cbf messaging everyone so, what do u guys want to do at uni?
Me: can't really finalise which is pissing me off but I'm contemplating between law/com or Eco, dentistry or psychology.
Does anyone recommend these? They hold them for most subs and each is a week and around $350, not sure if worth.
I was thinking of only going to the english one so if anyone has been to these workshops lemmie know.
Does anyone reccomend any good workbooks for economics?I think there's a dot point economics book and I'm not sure if there's anything better to get. I'm not sure on whether or not just the schools textbook (Dixons) would be enough so if anyone has recommendations, please list.