School Rank: >500
Subject Ranks:
Standard English: 1/~70
Physics: 1/12
Chemistry: =1/14
Biology: 3/38 (I'm pretty sure it won't count towards my atar)
MX1: 3/12
MX2: 3/3 (The other two guys are pretty beast at maths :P)
I need advise on whether I should drop Biology which would put me on 10 units. I find biology boring and completely useless to me. I'm currently doing these subjects:
Standard English: =1/~70
Chemistry: 2/15
Physics: =2/14
Biology: 4/~40
MX1: 6/14 ( I screwed up in the assessment...
Find the volume of the solid of revolution formed if the area enclosed between the curves y=x^2 and y=(x-2)^2 is rotated about the x-axis.
The answer is 2pi/5 but I keep getting something different :/
Thanks in advance :)
Find the equation of the locus of a point that moves so that its distance from the line 3x+4y+5=0 is always 4 units.
Can't seem to get the right answer
Not too sure how these work but is is something like this:
Lets say Im ranked 2nd in a subject and get 90 for my externals
Would my Internals be the 2nd highest external mark and my external mark stay the same?