Hello everyone!
I am a dedicated mathematics and physics tutor who is offering tutoring for:
- Year 9 & 10 Mathematics
- 2U/3U/4U Year 11 & 12 Mathematics
- Year 11 & 12 Physics
In my first year at the University of Sydney I have achieving a HD average in first year mathematics (excluding...
a load mass M rests on the floor of a lift which is accelearting upwards. the magnitude of the lifts acceleartion is a and the magnitrde of the acceleartion due to gravity is g. What is the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the load when the lift is finally at rest?
okay this is a past...
Apparently we have some listening test where you listen and answer questions about belonging...
Any tips on preparing what to keep an ear out for while listening? or what to take note on while listening? or how to prepare for the test? or generally how to do well in this test?
So... I'm doing 13units at the moment and I've already completed an accelearted course (so 15units altogether). Now... I'm aiming for 99.5 + ... and I'm doing pretty good in all of my subjects ... maybe with the exception of extension english...
Now... the reason why I wanted to drop economics...
rate the difficulty of question and please help me do it :)
BE and CF are altitudes of triangle ABC. M is the midpoint of BC. Prove that angle FME = 180 - 2(angle BAC)
so i have 13units and that means no free periods for me. Im thinking about dropping extension english or economics ... any advice?
Economics - very good at but theres SO much work and readign!
Extension english - average but its alright i find it alright...
top 20 school aiming for 99+
So... i think my physics textbook got stolen at school ... and it was brand new. Any good excuses to explain to teacher? or even get away without paying for it?