Hi guys
With English exams kicking off tomorrow, I'm happy to look and skim over modules and AOS essays and creatives. If I get flooded with essays, I'll do my best to try and look over all of them.
PM me for my email.
English Extension 1 All Nighter Thread
Exam is at 9.25AM...make sure you get some sleeeeep!
I've gotten my sleep so i'll be up for most of the night :p
All nighter thread for anyone staying up late cramming stuff
I'll be up till 3ish
Exam is at 1.55PM
Make sure you get some sleep, as this requires you to think critically, deep and philosophically and you need sleep for that stuff... so make sure you get some.
I hope this works... if not, I'll just answer my own questions sigh :(
if you decide to play and answer the question, you must then post a question of your own :D
I'll start with
Identify 3 main reasons as to why a stalemate developed on the Western front. (3 marks)
For English ext1, three people equaled first lol
Myself, and 2 others.. here's how the assessment marks were:
Assessment 1: (presentation)
Me: 8/10
Person 1: 8/10
Person 2: 10/10
Assessment 2: (essay)
Me: 19/20
Person 1: 20/20
Person 2: 18/20
Assessment 3: (creative writing)
Was never in the right mind frame for half yearlies, had issues and stuff other stuff going on and went in with minimal study 1-2hrs of study the night before which ultimately led me to screwing up all of my exams
School rank: 280~
Biology; assessment 1: 32/32 weighing 20%, half yearly 36/65...
Okay, I really need this book for my related text .... it is entitled
"The Floor Of Heaven" By John Tranter, it is a extension 1 text
Can anyone who knows where i can find this book tell me or if you have it.. maybe sell it to me?
Your annoying habits that people may or may not know about...
I have got a couple :
I cannot sleep if the fan is not on and facing me
I cannot sleep if there is any light or noise around except the noise of the fan...
Im sure ill think of more soon, haha
Hey guys, hope all is well.
I'm one of the 10 students that chose English Extension in my school, I did not choose it because it scales well but i chose it because it has been one of my favorite subjects since year 7 and since I like Creative Writing it was a no brainer.
I was just wondering...