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  1. L

    how does illness/misadventure work ?

    hey how does the illlness/misadventure work exactly.. Im really scared about whats going to happen.. My grandmother passed away a few days ago and every since i havent been able to focus on exams and studying.. I have had 4 exams this week, the two english plus eco and bio and on monday i...
  2. L

    band 5 and 6 cut off for bio ???

    hey you guys what do you reckon the cut offs will be for band 5 and 6 ? what will a raw mark of 70-75 be for me??
  3. L

    illness misadventure ?

    can i fill out an illness misadventure for the next few exams because my grandmother passed away and on top of that i am sick .. I have economics tomorrow, bio on friday and 2Unit math on monday ! please let me know. and if so what are the chances of it being upheld ?
  4. L

    what happens if i dont write anything on my HSC exam paper?

    hey what happens if i dont write anything on my exam paper? I did english paper 1 yesterday this week i have three other exams, eng 2, eco and bio (wed thurs and friday) next week i have 2U math and on the 7th of november i have CAFs what will happen if i dont write anything on my paper...
  5. L

    hows everyone going with studying for the economics HSC exam? im stressing out :(

    Also, what websites can I go to for updates on statistics?
  6. L

    what happens if i faint during my HSC exam ???

    hey you guys ! I was just wondering what happens if I fainted or collapsed while doing my HSC exam? do I get a 0?
  7. L

    tutors? economics notes for HSC? what are necessary to know for hsc?

    hey you guys, does anyone have really good notes for HSC which explains the whole course and in depth ? and what is necessary to know for the exam?? Also if you have any updates for the year 2012 australian economy.. please help ! any help is very much appreciated, I am dying here, hsc is in a...
  8. L

    multiple choice questions help !!

    what happens to the current account when the terms of trade improve? a) exports will buy less imports b) exports will buy more imports c) the current account moves into surplus d) the current account moves into deficit what happens to real GDP if aggregate supply is greater than aggregate...
  9. L

    impact of the current monetary policy on aggregate demand in the Australian economy??

    evaluate the impact of the current monetary policy on aggregate demand in the Australian Economy ? You guys please help out with this question !!! any help is very much appreciated
  10. L

    related texts for the Castle by Rob Sitch - URGENT !

    hey you guys what are some related texts for the castle movie ?? I have an assessment due this week ... I only need one please help :(
  11. L

    is anyone doing 'The Castle'?????

    hi everyone, Is there anyone out there doing "the Castle' as module c??? I feel like im the only one ...
  12. L

    groups in context assessment help??

    hey you guys, I need help with my cafs assessment .. As a sum up I had to get 5 different articles for 4 different groups of my choice and for each article write a statement about how it relates to the group i collected it for and state the relationship between the individuals in the group and...
  13. L

    HSC marks ?

    heey you guys, please answer me honestly ! I am studying through distance education and I live overseas. I was given the choice whether to sit my exams where I am or back in Australia. I was wondering if sitting the exams here affects my hsc mark in any way ? Also, how is the hsc mark...