So what'd you guys think of the exam ?
I thought it was pretty good :3 ,still not liking all the subjective answers, so I'm not 100% how my answers will be marked.
Obiviously couldn't keep short answers. But from memory they were
A worker got injured by falling, Give two Work...
Hey guys so I sometimes estimate atar here in my spare time,I'm usually not too far off as seen from last years thread(how far/close was your atar esimate to actual atar thread).
So I do have a fairly good idea of my atar from my own estimation, but it's always nice to get more then one answer...
Not sure if this is in the right section, but it seems to be at least semi-relevant, anyways....
I have had my goals set to do Accounting/Finance since the start of year 10, nothing has burned out yet, the problem I'm facing though is that I'm having trouble getting even decent marks in 2 unit...