Hello! I'll be doing these courses next sem:
Fed Con
Land Law
im hoping to change fed con to one of the presribed elective so i get less workload & stress during exam period.
Can someone plz tell me about legal theories/theory of law & justice in terms of...
Hello! Just wondering if anyone can give me some advices on which electives to choose if I major in accounting?
I have to choose 3 from the following:
ACCT3583 Management Accounting 2 (6 UOC)
ACCT3585 E-Business: Strategy & Process (6 UOC)
ACCT3601 Global Financial Reporting & (6 UOC)...
Just wondering if anyone has ever appealed?
Our sem2 exam results was released ytd and my criminal law mark was unreasonably low. I did alright in essay and CP (low 70s) but overall mark was 5X, which means I barely passed my exam
I usually do ok in exams (70s) so i really cant understand why...
Hey guys
I am a second year student doing comm/law
currently im taking accounting as my major but the problem is i dont like/get it and hv been getting average grades
im thinking of changing acct to minor and picking up another major
my options are:
1. finance - typical combination and in this...
Hey guys
I am really frustrated recently as I am so desperate for some committee positions in societies but I got rejected (do they actually want first year students? cuz most of the candidates in my group are 2nd/3rd year students)
I then begin to worry about my CV - there's nothing 'big' that...
hi guys
i applied for eas and i just got the letter today saying that i am eligible
just wondering if anyone of you know around how many points i will receive if i applied for long term illness? (for the degree of seriousness, i rmb there are 5 levels and my doctor said i hv considerable...
Hey guys
I really wannA do combined law at unsw or usyd but my ATAR is just 97.9
I applied for EAS tho (for English thing and personal illness - may not get that English thing cuz I state ranked but defs getting the illness one)
I know the cutoff for usyd law is 98.25 last yr under Broadway...
Sorry does anyone know if the HSC mark is purely based on our performance and the HSC n not affected by our cohort? So ur HSC exam mark will be aligned and that's it? And the internal mark is aligned based on our cohort and the subject itself? Cuz I hv a bad cohort for some of my subjects which...
hi all
so i picked a subject that I shouldn't have - biology, and i'm struggling so much
my bio results were good in year 11 but then this year they just went ridiculously lower and lower
i ranked second last year but now i'm 17/18 out 20
my raw assessment mark is 70
so my question is -...
i am really frustrated
all the subjects i do don't scale well and i perform really horribly this term
for eg
i ranked 14/15 for bio this term
this accounts for 25% of school assessment
honestly how big is the impact gonna be?
maybe i should really re-do year 12
such a failure
Hi guys
i'm suffering from bulimia nervosa and not sure if i can get special provision (this problem is getting more serious n affects my concentration when studying/doing exams)
the teacher in charge is not very nice so i want to make sure i am eligible for it before talking to her
i do...
I am in year12 and doing 11units
i did really bad in the internal assessments in the past 2 term i wonder how it affects my atar?!
cuz I'm aiming for a 99+ (actually aiming for law but it seems impossible now)
my 2unit maths rank is like in the 50th percentile in my school and my business is...
I'm wondering what activities/sports you guys are taking part in this year? my teachers always remind us to join more, so they can write my reference letter easier but I really have no idea what to join. any community service program/outside-school competition that you recommend? thanks heaps:angel: