Hey could anyone please help me with this question from the 2010 Chemistry HSC paper.
What mass of ethanol is obtained when 5.68 g of carbon dioxide is produced during
fermentation, at 25°C and 100 kPa?
(A) 2.95 g
(B) 5.95 g
(C) 33.6 g
(D) 147.2 g
The Answers B thanks...
Hey guys this is quite a simple question but basically I'm just wondering where the healthy people are in Bladerunner and why they are separated. I know they went to another place( Planet?) just wondering if that place is given and wondering why they are separated.Thanks
Hey guys just out of curiosity for UMAT how necessary/good is UMAT tutoring. Do you advice it for preparation, as in, does it help a lot? Or could I just prepare for it myself and do equally well? Thanks for any responses!!
Can someone please explain to me how to do this question I've tried it many times and failed, I currently can't do any of these type of questions but if i find out the method I should learn how to do them.
In order to measure the concentration of mercury in sea water near an industrial...
Hi guys could you please help me with this question
By considering the difference between the area of a rectangle and the area enclosed between the curve y = sin-1 and the y-axis, find the exact area bounded by the curve y = sin-1 , the x-axis and the lines x = 0 and x =√3 / 2...
Hey guys im just wondering how use think ill do in ATAR, im not sure so just wondering. My school rank for 2010 says around 300-350 but apparently we got some move improved award last year so probably around 250??
Subjects some of the ranks aren't exact so I might be higher, only ranks that are...
Hey guys im just wondering if use just have some quick answers to why the clonal selection theory is of importance in relations to how the immune system works
Hey everyone im currently studying the syllabus point:
• Explain the relationship between the structure and behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis and the inheritance of genes:
One thing im wondering is when does duplication of the chromosomes occurs?? Is it before meiosis or during im...
Hey guys. At the moment i'm trying to teach my self some trigonometric functions. It's just that there is some extension 1 maths in the 2unit section and I was wondering if using it is the correct method or if I should be using another method. Examples of the questions:
Hey I was just wondering if anyone had any chemistry half yearlies with answers they are willing to share, i've found like 1 or 2 but they don't have any answers. If not i'll probably just do half of trial exams/HSC exams :P Anyways thanks for reading or w/e
Hi everyone I'm writting a essay on Romulus my Father and my support text (Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis"). Anyways the questions is based on the statement:
"perceptions of belonging aren't always accurate and are often unhelpful" - We can say if this is true or not
Could anyone please help...
Hey just wondering when finding the pH of a solution, if the acid is diprotic or triprotic do you multiply concentration by the amount of hydrogens.
e.g. when calculating the pH of a 0.001mol/L H2SO4 solution would I first multiply 0.001 by 2
= 0.002 then find pH using that?
so -log(0.002)...
Hey guys me and my mates have put a deposit down for schoolies, going to the gold coast. Just wondering as 5/8 of us will be 17, can we still have a mad time. Also is it possible to still get into clubs ? (srs)