I know no one cares about this, but it has to be posted because it is pretty amazing. I don't know where else to post it.
By some miracle, Australia has managed to get another perfect score in an international olympiad this year, as well as another gold medal and 2 silvers. Ishraq Huda from...
I know how much y'all like logic puzzles...
Alice and Bob are playing a game in a sealed empty room. Alice is blindfolded and Bob gives her two marbles of identical size, weight and texture. Bob claims that the marbles are of different colours, but Alice believes they are identical. By...
N coloured blobs wander around in groups on an open plain. Each group has its own distinct colour, and all coloured blobs in a group share the same colour. Occasionally, two groups will bump into each other: each of the blobs in the smaller group will take on the colour of the larger group, and...
My school got its 2012 major works back, but mine "has been retained for possible inclusion in young writers showcase". However, I haven't been notified about this at all. Does anyone know anything about this? Does the BOS email us? I'm a bit worried because the email address I used for the HSC...
Sup peeps, I got my raw mark reports for everything except maths (I know where I went wrong) and EX1 (I never want to be reminded of that paper again).
Eng ext2: external mark: 49/50
RAW: 45.5/50 (sheesh harsh marking)
Major Work: 37/40
Reflection Statement: 8.5/10
Eng adv: external...
Hello, I came first in course in SDD last year and I've had a bunch of people ask to see my major project.
I made a mathematical flash game called Plotting Revenge, implemented in Adobe Flex (like flash but more geared toward developers, not animators). I made these choices for a few reasons...
This question was on a selection exam for the Australian informatics olympiad team many years ago.
There's a pile of diamonds in front of you -- 30 fake diamonds and 2 real diamonds. Each fake diamond weighs 10g. The 2 real diamonds weigh 5g and 15g respectively.
You have a set of scales...
Jeremy convinces Marie to play the following game on two identical rectangular cakes. Jeremy will cut the first cake into two pieces, perhaps evenly, perhaps not. After seeing the cut, Marie will decide whether she will choose first or allow Jeremy to do so. If she goes first, she will take the...
Hi, did anyone else get a "Are you a Scientia Scholar" letter in the mail today? Is that a confirmation that we got 99.9+, or is that just a reminder that if we get 99.9+, we will be offered the scholarship? It's worded very vaguely.
Having just completed my HSC, I will now step into my role on BOS as the unofficial informatics representative :biggrin: starting with some outreach/information.
Most of you would know of the AMC. That's the absurdly hard pen-and-paper competition run annually by the Australian Mathematics...
I think I'm capable of doing most or all of the questions on the paper, but on past HSCs I almost always run out of time. This is becoming very frustrating.
My current technique: when I'm going through the paper, if a question seems to be taking too long, I note it down and come back to it...