*Moved this here so others may see....
Hey all,
I'm seriously considering focusing on the Renaissance movement for my major, however I am not entirely sure where to direct my argument/question.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe something to do with the Crusaders impact on ushering...
Hey all,
I'm seriously considering focusing on the Renaissance movement for my major, however I am not entirely sure where to direct my argument/question.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe something to do with the Crusaders impact on ushering in the movement or... the controversial...
Hey all,
I don't think every school has this, but for Mod B we have a listening task on 2 of the speeches then an in class essay 3 days after.
Who else has a listening task coming up and how have you prepared for it?
Hey guys,
So there's a lovely little concept called rote - learning which is great if you know what the question is. But that's never the case.
My upcoming in class Mod B essay on Speeches won't have any set speeches but will have one set theme (4 will be given the week prior but only one...
Hey all,Can you receive a small number of bonus points or something along those lines if you compete at a high level in sport? Friday - Sunday is almost completely taken over by my sport, so just wondering if that enables you to receive any benefits?Cheers
To hell with it, maybe this will give me some guidance of where I should be.
Aim: 97 ATAR
School Rank: 67
Subjects: -
Eng Adv - (185 people)
Eng Ext 1 - (55 people)
General maths - (103 people)
Biology - (48-50 people)
Modern His - (60-62 people)
PDHPE - (49 people)
His Ext - (23-25...
Hey all,
Just finished my English preliminary exam today, I reckon I flew through with the first section and the essay section. But I ran out of time by my second paragraph of my creative section. Really bummed about it now, You guys and gals have any suggestions as to how to maximise time...
Hey all,
Just want to see if any of the BOS member are into the shooting sports.
Disciplines including:
- Rapid
- 25m
- 50m
- Air
- .22lr
- .308W
- Trap
- Double Trap
- Skeet
and whatever else I may have missed.
Personally I follow the discipline of 50m prone...
Hey all,
For the Adv English course, what is a good comparative book to use with Animal Farm in regards to Satire? Just looking for some extra texts I could use for the up coming prelim essays.
Hey all,
I'm sure someone has asked this at one point or another but time may have changed and more is available...
Are there any good computer programs for putting in your study notes along with good diagrams etc. Essentially a program with a lay out that makes a lot of work seem much more...