Hey guys just made my timetable and for a lot of my classes the only ones I could choose were right after each other. E.g. I had one lecture from 9:00 that goes for an hour and a half and then a lecture straight after that for 10:30. Is this a problem or should I have time to get to the 2nd...
Guys I have a huge problem with my chemistry rank
In the first assessment I came 7/11 on 75% and on our recent assessment I came 3/9 (2 kids dropped) on 91.15 % (really close though)
But in the half yearly and trial exams I came 1/10 and 1/9 on 63 and 71 respectively.
Overall with...
Q. The heat of combustion of ethanol is 1364 KJ/mol
a) Calculate how much energy would be released by the combustion of 4.5g of ethanol.
b) Calculate the mass of ethanol required to liberate 45KJ of energy.
c) State the increase in water temperature that would occur if 0.6g of ethanol was...
Hey guys can anyone please give an estimate on what my ATAR will be? :)
English Adv- 8/42
Chemistry 1/11
Physics- 2/17
Japanese Continuers 1/8
Mathematics 9/36
Maths Ext 1 5/10
SOR 2U 1/59