Greetings all,
I am studying a BSc/BSciEducation and USYD next year. I really want to study physics after a newfound interest in it during my gap year this year, however I didn't take it in the HSC. I also studied 2 unit Mathematics, receiving a band 6. How viable is it for me to participate in...
Hey guys!
School Rank: 220s
Ranks are final assessment ranks
English Advanced: 1/30 (tied first)
Chemistry 1/9
Legal Studies 1/18
Biology 1/11
Geography 2/27
Mathematics 3/20
Estimates are so appreciated!
Thanks all in advance :)
School rank is ~220s
Post trial ranks:
Biology 1/10
Chemistry 1/8
English Advanced 1/30
Geography 2/31
Legal Studies 2/21
Mathematics 3/18
A question also; how accurate are estimates usually, when comparing to the actual achieved ATAR (assuming good marks in the HSC exams)...
School rank is ~220s
Just finished trials
Business Studies (overall assessment rank): 5/35
Geography (overall assessment rank): 1/31
General Mathematics (overall assessment rank): 2/50
Modern History (overall assessment rank): 3/23
English Advanced (overall assessment rank): 9/35...
What is the best way to review/study my notes before trials? I have just under 3 weeks until the first English exam.
I feel like writing them out would take a lot of time out of doing past papers, however, at the same time it would be a good way to remember content.
What is best?
Hey all,
I was just wondering if you all think I am fine and on track for trials so far. NB: my trials are in Week 5 of next term!
At the moment, I have 12 days remaining of the holidays, and below are the list of tasks that I am yet to complete (today I completed my notes for our first...
Hey guys, anyone willing at all to give me a rough estimate of a possible ATAR range at all following my marks/ranks in the HYs? :lol:
School Rank: low 200s (200-220)
Number of Assessment Tasks completed for most subjects: 2 or 3
Subjects (exam mark for HY exam/approximate internal assessment...
Just thought I might ask for an opinion on my progress so far before half yearlies starts in 5 days time :)
Chemistry: 1/9 (87% Assessment Mark after 2 tasks so far)
Biology: 2/20 (91% Assessment Mark after 1 prac enzyme task)
English: top 5/37 (14/15 for speech task 1, and 20/20 for Module...
How is everyone's study going?
I do the following subjects:
Legal Studies
Maths 2 Unit
English Adv.
I have done my first term notes for chem, bio and legal, and an English mock AOS paper (87% marked). I have just started on Blueprint of Life to...
I just recently had my teacher mark a mock trial AOS paper in preparation for the half yearlies, and I ended up with 39/45 which equates to 87%, is there any way possible without a Paper 2 score to determine what such a score (assume I got 87/100 for the HSC exams) would scale to for Advanced...
After receiving my marks for the first set of assessment tasks, I was wondering if it is a good start to the year (with an aim of 92+ ATAR in mind) with the following ranks and marks.
English - 14/15 (speech) - Not sure of rank (some students were on 14.5 and 15)
Biology - 91%, 2nd...
I have a Crime assessment task tomorrow which consists of the EXACT four questions from the Crime section of the 2010 Legal Studies paper (screenshot is attached). I have written a prepared response for question D) so far, is there anyone who may be able to check it for me? Also, I have looked...
Hey all,
I did my practical exam for Biology on Wednesday, and for the substrate concentration graph I had the right shape, labelled the axes, titled the graph, used a pencil though I used a ruler to join up each point on the curve. Is this okay, or will I drop marks (if so how many?; it was...
For the start of my HSC year I am doing the following subjects:
-English Advanced
-Legal Studies
I was wondering if anybody may be able to make some recommendations as to the best and/or most essential resources (text books etc.) to purchase...
I am in my preliminary year of schooling and at the moment I am doing 13 units consisting of the following subjects with rankings from the half-yearlies:
English Extension 1: 6/11
Mathematics: 2/28
Chemistry: 2/13
Biology: 1/22
Geography 2/44
English Advanced: 3/41
Legal Studies: 5/25...
I am in my preliminary year of schooling and at the moment I am doing 13 units consisting of the following subjects with rankings from the half-yearlies:
English Extension 1: 6/11
Mathematics: 2/28
Chemistry: 2/13
Biology: 1/22
Geography 2/44
English Advanced: 3/41
Legal Studies: 5/25...
Hey all,
At the moment I have a draft due tomorrow for a dystopian essay on Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale". The question is:
“How successful is Margaret Atwood’s novel ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ in portraying a dystopia?”.
I am fine with finding quotes displaying my chosen themes however I...
Hi all,
I have been completing some Trigonometry revision for my Mathematics term 3 exam and I am able to complete most of it with ease. However, even though I can solve most trigonometric equations, there is one that has been stumping me (which I have attached, question K). The question for...