Okay so I got guaranteed entry to UNSW Bachelor of Science.
I'm wondering whether to opt for UNSW or UTS. I was thinking of doing something to do with biomedical science - which is a degree at UTS..but all I can see at UNSW is biomedical engineering or majoring in biomed in the B Science...
What are the chances of me getting a part-time job at JB?
I'm 17 and had no previous work experience. I've wanted to apply here for aaaaaages (like since I was in year 7..it was always my dream to work there..I know that's a pretty sad dream but oh well) but obviously I've never applied.
Ok so I have to come up with an idea for my multimedia major and was wondering if I'd be allowed to take already existing characters and put them into my short film.
I was thinking of basing my film on my favourite video games and I was wondering if I could use specific characters from these...
I am going to buy some jewellery and stuff of eBay. I've never bought online before so I sort of have no idea what I'm doing.
I just wanted to ask a couple of questions......
- Do any of you link your bank accounts to paypal..is it even safe to do that? Linking my bank account is one of my...
Ok..this may sound really lame and all but I need help.
I've always been an individual with my own music tastes and own clothing style and everything. I've been friends with this girl for maybe 3-4 years.
This year, my friend started to copy me...especially my music style and it is really...
This guy whom I had a previous crush for the past 1.5 years just asked me out. let us call him minion.
He did it over text.
Minion is in my grade, but is a year younger than me and he's like my only guy friend that isn't a family friend.... My friend told Minion I liked him last year, but he...