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  1. D

    How do I approach my option Essays? (Consumers and Family)

    Hey guys, I'm rather stumped on what I should focus on in my essays. Should I use pre-prepared generic essays (I have written a couple of these) or should i write an essay based on each syllabus sub heading (i.e. nature of x, responses to x, contemporary issues)? Should I just focus on the...
  2. D

    Atar Estim8 please This is my earlier Atar estimate post just so you have a somewhat clearer bearing of where I am now School Rank: 170s Final Year 12 ranks: English Adv - 4/31...
  3. D

    Thoughts on HSC and trial workshops and lectures?

    I have been looking at HSC in the Holidays and TSFX as well as study camps and been wondering if it's worth going. I'd like to hear anyone's opinion on who actually signed up or heard any stories from those places. The abundance of testimonials also seem suspicious. They go on about kids going...
  4. D

    Atar Estimate

    Just got my ranks from my half yearly report. Just want to know where I am currently. Advanced English - 11/31 2U Maths - 18/22 Design and Technology - 4/12 (Technically 3rd because equal 2nds) Business Studies - 1/16 Legal Studies - 1/9 School rank is about 170s Thanks