Hey guys
So I have to choose a related text for the area of study: the human condition. It can't be a hsc text or a past hsc text or a text we've studied in year 9 or year 10. Anyone have any good suggestions for a related text? Thank you!
Hey guys so I recently got accepted into one of the top 5 selective schools in NSW for year 11. I have been going to a very good public school but I was just wondering if anyone has done the same thing, where they switched to a selective school for year 11 and 12. Was it an easy or hard...
Hey guys,
So I recently got a call from Baulkham Hills High School asking me to come in for an interview with the principal. I am so excited for it but I was just wondering if anyone else has been through these interviews and can tell me what to expect. Thanks! :)
Hi all. I'm about to choose my subjects for Year 11 and I just have a few questions. The subjects I intend to take are:
English Advanced
Mathematics Extension 1
Business Studies/Economics
My first question is, is it bad to do all three sciences...
Hi everyone! I'm in Year 10 now and I'm planning on applying for entrance into a selective school for Year 11. My options are Baulkham Hills High School, Sydney Girls High School and Hornsby Girls High School. My half yearly reports are decent.
English - A
Mathematics (5.3) - 81/100...
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I really want to do medicine in university but I'm not sure what subjects to pick. I know I want to do:
Advanced English - 2 units
Mathematics - 2 units
Mathematics Extension 1 - 1 unit
Biology - 2 units
Chemistry - 2 units
Physics - 2 units
TOTAL: 11 units