r there any marks attributed with lecture attendance? i.e, will i lose marks if i don't go to some of my lectures?
specifically for sci adv subjects
hey guys.
what r some recommended gen eds for students doing a science course @unsw? i read somewhere that apparently u can't do gen eds about science if you're a science student? (if that makes sense)
but then i found a thread on bos which says that only law students can do gen eds to do with...
Hey guys + girls,
^ like what the title says, I'm offering free essay + creative critiques/ marking feedback for Discovery, Mod A and B and English Ext 1 after the bomb. I'm a 2015'er so I haven't got my results back but if anyone wants an extra opinion on their essays or creatives, feel free...
hey guys,
^. is it better to have many people in a cohort sit on the same rank (for the entire cohort), or if everyone was spread out? (as in no more than 2 people sitting on the same rank)
and if alot of people r sitting on the same rank, how does ur internal marks work? would it be like...
Hey guys,
would anyone be cool with looking over my Mod A/B/C, AOS essay (s) and/or creative?
I do:
- Discovery/ AOS: Motorcycle diaries
- Mod A: W;t and Donne
- Mod B: In the skin of a lion
- Mod C: Henry IV part 1
Thanks guys - i promise i wont swamp u with too much of my work if anyone's...
does anyone have any links to Discovery exemplars? I remember someone posted a link (to a blog..) a while back on this forum, but I can't seem to find the thread :(
spoiler alert:
its about a girl who through her uncle's death, inherited his wealth and in doing so accidentally discovered...
hey guys
so i was wondering if anyone else is doing henry the iv for mod c. ive read the text and everything but im struggling in identifying key agendas or idea within the text that has anything to do with mod c. mostly because i dont get mod c lol
like what is the structure of a mod c...