what are the main points needed for an answer to a slingshot question?
yeh it depends on the question, but usually im thinking some of these -
1. diagram with vector addition shown
2. Conservation of Kinetic Energy + how this applies
3. Conservation of momentum + how this applies
Yea maybe this is a stupid question but has anyone found an effective method/technique to minimise careless mistakes? One that worked for me was that I tried to fall into a rhythm when doing math and once I caught this wavelenght I could be pretty reliable. But has anyone got any other tricks...
Yo yo dudes has anyone ever scored 100% raw for 4u maths? Is it even possible??
Ive heard people get 100 for exam mark and stuff, but this doesn't necessarily mean they got 100% right? What raw mark usually scales to 100 exam mark in 4u?