My internal mark for English Advanced is 95 and I am ranked 1st but after today's HSC, I know that I screwed up big time. Is it true that because I am ranked 1st, half of my mark will just be whoever came first in externals from my cohort? Does this mean I still have a chance of getting 95 even...
I stupidly didn't even read that part of the question so I didn't mention anything about it. Say my essay was worth about a 19-20, what mark do you think I could get if I forgot to include a component of the question? Sorry I'm just really freaking out.
Edit: I actually didn't memorise the...
I thought a buffer is made of a weak acid and its conjugate base but I found in the 2013 Sydney Tech trial that a buffer is made of a weak acid and a weak base. Any clarifications please?
I am doing my first year of pathways this year with english adv., chem, and math ext. 1. Next year I am doing biology and maybe senior science. My atar aim is around 96, but I was wondering if I pick up senior science, will its scaling affect me too much? Or will I find it really boring because...
School rank approx 175.
These are my trial marks and overall ranks, btw we did the CSSA trial:
Mathematics: 99%- 1/9
Math ext 1: 81%- 1/5
Chemistry: 79%- 1/8 (screwed up trial but i'm getting 92+ in HSC exams)
English advanced: 92%- 1/11
Biology: 90%- 2/30
Senior science: 95%- 2/40
I've been doing multiple past papers for all my subjects and then using this database to convert my raw marks to hsc marks.
I then put this mark in an atar calculator but it says that i could get 99.55!!!! Is this even...
There are my raw marks from my trials (we do the Catholic CSSA trial, which you should keep in mind is harder than the bostes paper)
Chemistry: ranked 1/9- 79%
Mathematics: ranked 1/12- 99%
Math Ex1: ranked 1/5- 81%
English Advanced: ranked 1/11- 90%
Biology: ranked 2/25- 84%
Trials start in a few days and my teacher said to know two texts well just in case they ask for two. Should I spend precious time finding another text and memorising techniques or should I just risk not doing it so that I can spend time studying everything else?
Say we get a question and our response has to include an analysis of at least two poems, do you think it is best to do two or three?
I would say that doing three is easier because you would have more to talk about, but what is generally recommended?
If I were to do three I would only do...
I go to a <250 ranked school but the year before we were ranked 52nd so we are not necessarily a bad school. These are my ranks after half yearlies.
English adv: 1/10
Mathematics: 1/9
Math ext.1: 1/5
Biology: 3/25
Chemisty: 1/9
Senior science: 2/30
Heres the question:
Using 0.100 mol L–1 NaOH, a student titrated 25.0 mL of a 0.100 mol L–1 weak
monoprotic acid, and separately titrated 25.0 mL of a 0.100 mol L–1 strong
monoprotic acid.
15 Which statement about the volume of base required to reach the equivalence point is
After writing and perfecting my essay for discovery, I just realised that my related text for discovery, William Wordsworth's, The World Too Much With Us, is a prescription for the ext course. Will they mark me down for this? I really can't afford to change it but I'm concerned that I might get...
Is there any need to know them? Have there been any HSC questions asked which cannot be answered without knowing solubility rules? There are just so many and I don't think I will be able to memorise them. Is it necessary?