I've been sick this week, and it's made me super exhausted so I haven't been able to do any study. Any tips on getting back into it in the weekend, particularly with english (which requires the most brain cells for me)?
What are possible concepts for people and politics?
I have power structures + control, and individual vs collective but I want to develop a third incase stuff doesn't fit to the question
My creative is about a child moving overseas, and I need to show the discovery more however I'm struggling at figuring out what that is and how do to that. Any ideas?
How should I be approaching making my notes for these texts? I understand both the texts on their own but I'm really struggling integrating them and comparing/contrasting them together.
How should I be going about setting out and structuring my study notes? (themes, characters, plot, etc) What process should I be going through? ie generic essay, write paragraphs and turn into dot points, etc
I want to ensure that I'm covered for any (or most) q that I could get thrown