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  1. AsuTeksu

    How Do I Approach Module B Essays?

    Hello, fellow BoSers! In my experience of English Advanced, Module B is by far my weakness and it is the module that I struggle to grasp / understand. For reference, I am doing King Henry IV Part I as my Module B text for the English Advanced course. For those of you who have already...
  2. AsuTeksu

    Aurora HSC Study Days

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone has access to any past recordings or resources from Aurora HSC Study Days that they could share with me. I would purchase the upcoming ones for this year but it’s only accessible for schools, not individuals :( I’m looking for recordings and resources...
  3. AsuTeksu

    How Does One Find All Possible Isomers and Draw Them?

    Hi All! I posted this question on the 2024 HSC Chat, however, it garnered very little response so I have been advised to make a thread (shoutout to @Susu123!). In my practice of HSC Chemistry Module 7, throughout many papers, I've seen several questions along the lines of, "How many isomers...
  4. AsuTeksu

    USYD Bachelor Of Science & Doctor Of Medicine

    Howdy! As most of you know, I’ve planned to do postgraduate medicine at MQU, however, after talking with my parents, we thought - when the time comes - it would be worthwhile for me to apply for medicine at USYD, especially since I have nothing to lose either way. It would be great if I didn’t...
  5. AsuTeksu

    Bachelor Of Clinical Science At MQ

    Howdy! As some of you probably know, I've been eyeing the B.ClinicalScience at MQ. However, after reflecting on the insights provided by others, I've raised a few questions which I'm hoping can be answered to some extent. I am wondering how many people graduate from the Bachelor Of Clinical...
  6. AsuTeksu

    Quotes For A'isha AbuBakar Or Other Significant Persons

    Howdy! For anyone who is doing / has done Islam as a depth study for SORI or SORII... I need your help, please! I need Quranic verses that relate to the work that A'isha AbuBakar has done to back up my arguments about the impact she's made and her obedience to Allah. If no one has quotes that...
  7. AsuTeksu

    Modelling Transcription And Translation

    Howdy All! I’m wondering if any of you fellow Biology students have a model / diagram of protein synthesis that you could share with me, preferably one that is drawn / made over an A4 or A3 paper. If possible, I’d appreciate it if it included the steps of both, Transcription AND Translation...
  8. AsuTeksu

    What Techniques Are Considered 'High-Order'?

    Howdy! I take English Advanced, however, I have a teacher who pretty much helps… never, yet she expects that we know what she wants in our responses. One thing she always complains about is how we don’t use ‘high-order’ techniques but never specifies what ‘high-order’ refers to when asked. So...
  9. AsuTeksu

    What Does It Take To State Rank These Subjects And Achieve An ATAR Of 99+?

    Howdy! 🤠 I’m not aiming for any state ranks, more just curious, and I can’t really find a straightforward answer. For the subjects below, what School Assessment Marks and Raw HSC Exam Marks are required to state rank? Biology Business Studies Chemistry English Advanced Studies Of Religion II...
  10. AsuTeksu

    Calculating Total Distance For Motion Questions

    Hi all, it's me again... Is there a general rule for calculating the total distance travelled for motion questions? I'm always unable to answer those types of questions when they're given. Here are some examples: Any help is appreciated! 😓
  11. AsuTeksu

    Question Regarding Function Graphs

    Howdy All! I have a question regarding function graphs as specified in the title above. I've been looking at HSC Papers and Question 10 always seems to stump me ;-; and for that matter, any question that contains similar content. Question 10 for 2020 can be seen below: Question 10 for 2022...
  12. AsuTeksu

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    Haven't seen any threads on this and I'm curious about what people are thinking, thus, I have created it 😌 I saw the HSC Paper last year and it was pretty nice imo. Do people reckon it'll be easier, similar or harder than the past years?
  13. AsuTeksu

    2024 HSC Chat

    Howdy All! 👋🏻 Considering there's just over a week until Term 4 begins, I thought it'd be nice to get all the 2024'ers together, just to see how everyone's holding up before Year 12 content is engraved into our brains! I also find it somewhat funny that a 2024 HSC Chat hasn't been made, yet a...