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  1. iloveeggs

    how much analysis should i memorise for mod b?

    so for in class essays i usually memorise body paragraphs (even if i dont need to its like training wheels for me in the sense that if i freeze and can't recall things in an exam i have something to write and go back to fix if i have time). it works well for me most of the time so this time...
  2. iloveeggs

    "everything" tutors and mentors - is this a real thing people do?

    i keep hearing abt this about extremely successful people - in terms of 99+ atars, unsw/usyd med, in a top 10 school, dux, topped ucat etc. that they hired someone (like a 1st year med student or something) to just sit with them, organise their week, give them guidance on how to prepare for...
  3. iloveeggs

    people with 99+ atars, if you failed the first assessment block in y12, what is your comeback plan?

    pretty much the title. assume all your exams were worth 20% and your ranks are either average or quite below average within your cohort. i'm curious to know because many people with 99+ atars have such high hsc marks it feels like they've barely made any mistakes at all during year 12 so i...
  4. iloveeggs

    strive textbooks for chem and physics

    guys where do i buy strive textbooks for chem and physics online or in person (i want a physical copy). i want the most recent versions for both and it has to be reputable site i don't want to be scammed. thanks
  5. iloveeggs

    cambridge perms and combs question

    i dont get how to do b) bc i keep getting 3 no matter how i try to do it but the textbook says 4. if it helps part a) is 10!
  6. iloveeggs

    time management in exams

    ive always had an issue with spending a lot more time on answering questions in an exam than most of my peers (e.g. when some ppl finish with like 20 min to spare i will only just finish). the reason i have been fine with it so far is that i am very accurate in terms of not losing marks on the...
  7. iloveeggs

    atar estimates based on y11 marks

    in case anyone else is trying to get an atar estimate based on prelims or their school is giving them one, atar estimates based on y11 marks are bs. y11 is not an accurate estimate of y12 performance, often people end up locking in for y12 and end up doing much better. don't know who needs to...
  8. iloveeggs

    how many units should you take in y11?

    ive seen a lot of y10 kids ask this question and they are a bit misguided about how many to take. here are my 5 cents about how many units is safe to take. i am not discouraging people from taking whatever amount of units they want to, i am just explaining what it might look like to do x amount...
  9. iloveeggs

    rant: end of y11 and i feel like a failure

    dont know how to explain it but im like slowly giving up on my dreams to get the atar i want and do undergrad med. im just not where i need to be academically and ik i can lock in for y12 and stuff but just based off my performance in y11 alone, which was supposed to be like a trial run for hsc...
  10. iloveeggs

    ace or sigma for y12 chem

    dont suggest a 3rd option ive done my research and its between these 2
  11. iloveeggs

    dr du 4u

    can i do 4u in dr du without doing the 3u class as well? i dont understand why i got an email from them recommending that i join both classes bc 4u has 3u assumed knowledge. wouldn't it be double the price? why not just teach 3u content in the 4u class too wtf am i paying you for also is there...
  12. iloveeggs

    day before prelim, extremely cooked

    anyone reading that knows me or has seen me post abt being bad at essays pls dont mention it im already cooked enough 😭 exams at 11:30 tmr so i have a bit of time so basically i have an essay for an unseen question. most ppl in my school are fully memorising an essay and hoping they can tweak...
  13. iloveeggs

    y12 subjects

    so my initial plan for next year is to do ext 1 maths, ext 2 maths, chem, physics, modern, adv english and ext 1 english. my thought process was that since ill be done with adv maths ill have a bunch of free periods and so ill be able to cope with the burden of doing 13 units. im really not so...
  14. iloveeggs

    idk how to write a good exam essay

    i know my texts well and stuff and i have good notes and stuff but i feel like im going to screw up my english assessment tasks (e1 and adv). my school kind of spoon-fed us up until now (hand ins, in-class essays but we get the question, get to take in a page of notes, get a set of possible...
  15. iloveeggs

    chem and physics tutoring

    i do chem and phys and i go to zhangs hsc for both. i have been going since yr 9 and i have always found that the teaching was meh but the resources were good. also i couldn't cope with how fast paced it was but i was always gaslit into thinking i was stupid for not being able to follow. the...
  16. iloveeggs

    order of transformations - graphing techniques

    this for 2u graphing techniques. i feel kind of dumb for asking this but i suddenly realised that whenever i get the following type of question i get them wrong and its probably because i dont understand order of transformations. i dont know why either bc i when i did this topic in term 1 y12 i...
  17. iloveeggs

    gyms in sydney

    trying to join the gym as a 17 yr old. used to go to fernwood bc my mum didnt want guys there with me but its too expensive and too girlboss. i only go for free weights and machines so it was sort of useless for me. any reccommendations? also ideally they should have a decent range of equiptment...
  18. iloveeggs

    2u math trials

    so i have trials week 5 and i have NO idea how to approach them. we are going to have ALL of the topics we covered in y11 and y12 and ive never been in this situation before in terms of revising that amount of content. im lowkey terrified. what should my game plan look like?
  19. iloveeggs

    failing y11 term 2, what now

    so this term we had a practical assessment with a theory component. the equipment i got completely failed to produce any coherent values, which was verified by the teacher (they also tried to get it to work and it didn't work) who then didn't help and left me to figure it out on my own. i lost a...
  20. iloveeggs

    frost poems for critical study of literature

    hi guys, i have an assessment task on robert frost's poetry. we have top pick two poems out of: mending wall after apple picking the tuft of flowers fire and ice stopping by woods on a snowy evening and then we have to analyse how our poems maintain textual integrity through examining one of...