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  1. T

    urgent help with question/working pls

    What would be the working out for part (b)??? There's no solutions to this paper - Abbotsleigh 2021 on THSC
  2. T

    how to stop stressing after an exam

    im in yr11 and i cant stop stressing after an exam. My first exam this term was math ext - i felt normal after it but at night i basically went through the entire paper and my answers to it in my head..i literally couldn't sleep. i had thoughts like 'what if i made a silly mistake on that q?'...
  3. T

    how to study for practicals science

    confident/decent at content but struggle a lot in practicals - ik my validity/reliability/accuracy and other basic skills but i think i get panicked and take too long to set up the prac itself and then conduct it/take results i have a prac for both phys (mod 1 + 2) and chem (mod 2) this term...