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  1. J

    any 2024ers here who do all 3 sciences and adv math too?

    ^^ js wondering cuz y not :drink:
  2. J

    misadventure not give

    okay quick question what happens if i don't give a misadventure for a assessment where i was away the day before and my teacher doesn't say anything & i get my mark allg. my teacher then never says anything bout it or anything. does nesa find out when the marks are sent or whatever? will i...
  3. J

    when did the english advanced syllabus last change?

    ^^^^ probably a stoopiddd questions but google won't answer me basically till what year of the hsc questions for english adv can i practice with
  4. J

    bad atar scenario

    how would it feel to open up your atar notification and see your atar as 85 (or any atar yall see being bad) ? hypothetically write smt bout how yall would feel and what would happen. thisll be fun and might motivate sm of us to study.
  5. J


    are atar notes exam question books worth it? i also am looking at the excel study guides but idk which is better? do u guys have any other suggestions of which is better, from experience?
  6. J


    everyone mind dump what you think we need to do to get a atart above or 95 or of 95 :guitar: make it a paragraph or a sentence btw dosnt matter. these are some short goal type of things we can see (smt like this pr alrady exists but dw) ill start it_ finish syllabus before trials so we dont...
  7. J

    love on bos

    who are two users you guys think are a ship (this totally isnt targeted to any user btw) also just a joke so no on report me or smt plzzz
  8. J

    Ranking for English

    HIYA :awesome: Just out of curiosity, what is your ranking for english and out of how many people? also do you do adv or standard english? i hate english and i hate that is gets counted no matter how bad i do!