hey all,
Im moving down to anu soon and due to particular circumstances im bringing my car with me. Iwas just wondering what my options for parking my car down on campus, Ill be living at John XXIII college. Ive read the FAQ and whats on the ANU website and from this what im after is in reality...
I was just wondering if the Development studies major would be practical for a combined bach arts / bach asia pacifc degree?
or would i be limited in regards to including courses from the school of eco and business etc etc?
just a bit confused by what i am reading on the ANU site re: course...
just want to point out that my school has been specifically recognised as the biggest increase in rankings throughout the media. good on us moving from 490's to 96th in the state. GO TEAM :P
..... just saying, its a pretty good achievement
in extension english i got 43 / 50 for my hsc mark
and i got a 39 for internal and 46 for exam.
so thats a band E3 right, like what i got.
well some posted their results page on facebook and they got 42/50 for extension english 1 and next to it where it says band it say E4.
why is that?
hey all i have an in class essay with the question being;
"examine the effects of changes in the level of economic growth on employment and price stability. Include a comment on the impact of government policy to promote economic growth in the australian economy."
can anyone be of...
hey ANU-ers,
im doing my HSC this year and have been thinking about degrees lately.
ANU is definatly for me ive decided, and ive had this in my head for a while.
however what i want to do is a harder question.
its between either the BA (Int. relations) or Security analysis (Asia-pacific)...
hey all
i did buso accelerated and i got my result back and it totally doesnt make sense.
over the year all my internal marks were 90 + (91, 93.5, 95 and 90)
and i places 1st internally.
then when i got my result it reads as following,
examination mark = 86
assessment mark = 86
whats your views of the metaphoric representation of the vampire and how it has changed from victorian, to contemporary and then onto neo-vampire literature.
hey all..
im interested in both politics and international relations.
what degrees should i look into over the coming year,
my subjects are:
English Extension 2
Legal studies
Business studies (accelerated 08)
Studies of religion 2
im just looking for suggestions.
im thinking either a bachelor arts (international relations) or bachelor of security analysis (Asia- pacific) both at ANU.
what would everyones suggestions be.
my subjects for HSC are:
- English adv
- eng. ext 2
- legal studies
- economics
- business studies
- Studies of religion 2
who has left a selective high school?
i left merewether high, for a closer and much smaller school (5 min walk and 40 students as opposed to 1.5 hr bus trip and 200 students in my year)
did it for a number of reasons, but dont regret it at all
hey all,
im currently in year 11 doing these subjects:
English adv
English Ext
and business studies (but thats accelerated so ill be done with that this year(just had my trial exam, pretty sure i raped it))
anyway im really considering whether it will be worth...