Firstly, holy alliteration....
$11bn climate aid package 'insignificant' |
It's being covered pretty much everywhere essentially more restrictions would be imposed on "developed nations" as opposed to "developing nations", with less oversight on the emissions of the...
Just to get a few things out of the way. This thread has nothing to do with the Islamic thread and is actually a trend I've been noticing (based purely off of anecdotal evidence).
So as of late I've been noticing a rising trend of anti-semitism. Regardless of the conspiracy, world event, or...
I don't know why we have to paste a link everytime we make a thread about such a general and changing thing and I expect this thread to be around for a while. In any case obligatory news article extract and link:
ABC Radio Australia:Connect Asia:Stories:Australia, China political relations on...
Girl dies 'after hospital denies access'
How can this even happen in this day and age? Are our hospitals so congested that we would let children die on the hospital door steps? Is it child abuse if they don't bring their children to the hospital to receive treatment but fine if they die after...
Beijing accuses Rio of spying as Australia is shocked at arrest of mining executives | The Australian
Now the speculation is that it might have been white collar crimes against Chinese national interests but I still don't see how that constitutes spying.
Espionage: spying involves an...
Coup Rocks Honduras -
Thus far the military coup has been met by widespread international condemnation and also somewhat severe anti-coup protests within the capital which has resulted in the death of atleast one person.
Zelaya's term was ending and as per the constitution of...
Which imbecile came up with the idea of stabbing their earlobe with a sharp piece of metal and then dangling that piece of metal from their earlobe to make them look more attractive?
I personally think they look ugly and show how stupid people really are. I mean if I came up to you now and...
Anyone been following their story?
The gist of it is, this home grown sensation has gone from humble beginnings in a Surfers Paradise nightclub to a residency at the Excalibur Casino in Las Vegas. Over the past year they have been performing shows in front of adoring fans in Las Vegas...
Stop The Siege On Gaza
[Please moderators keep this thread seperate to the discussion on the Israel-Gaza conflict as it progresses as it serves a different purpose.]
I implore all members of this fine forum in good conscience to send a letter to your member of parliament. If you don't have...
Wow, of all the things in the news to me this is the most amazing. It shows that all the technology that is created, really does scream to the goodness of man. Yet sadly in many cases is not used to their potential.
Listen to this speech. Please...
As we've seen in the last few months the two competing ideologies are coming to a final showdown. Once and for all one of these two will prevail. We're seeing in the current financial crisis unprecedented global state intervension and at the same time, unprecedented mergers and takeovers in...
Happened to me today, and I'm regretting it.
If it's happened to you post here. Starting a suicide pact.
If you wish to sign up just say so in your post here.
"If it happens again I will become an hero"
This will ensure it never happens again, and also, rejection is better than death...
This is totally insane. The US military has just launched an aggressive attack against Syria. I believe this is another example of the US continually enforcing the fact that it is in contempt with international conventions, and even it's own constitution (correct me if I'm wrong but...
1) Australia's recent economic success is due to our trade with China.
2) China is our biggest trade partner.
3) China is a regional superpower in Asia which is within proximity to Australia.
4) China resides over the worlds fastest growing economy.
Basically, Australia's best friend...
So who's heard of George Galloway or listens to his radio show?
Personally I think they're extremely entertaining and very informative.
He's a British member of Parliament who was formely in Tony Blair's Labour Party, but was expelled from the party mainly due to his political views. He...
I don't think it can any longer be doubted that Hezbollah, an organisation of a few thousand organised guerillas, a handful of Politicians, and a fully operational Broadcasting Television channel (Al Manar) have...