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  1. A

    Butterworths Series

    I am odd, in that I actually preferred the Blackshields & Williams on COn law. {NB DO a google search if you are an absolute fanatic and it is possible to download a full e-book version of : Dicey, AV, 'Intro to the Study of the Law of the Constitution' Hobbes, 'Leviathan' Montesquieu '...
  2. A

    How often do Gleeson and Gummow draw pistols at dawn?

    I remeber reading a 'Conspiracy' case, where one stated that a client of his had recieved an enormous sentence for conspiring to rob a bank, although it was doubtful whether agreement had been reached, and the job didn't happen. In reply the other suggested that it was probably something to do...
  3. A

    For those wanting to study Law...

    enjoy the ride, but please forget (early) that you ever had, or indeed ever intended to have a life. The path to success is through a gradual subrogation of your sense of humour, to the point that you begin tolaugh out loud at some really crappy jokes, made by judges, in the cases that you learn...