Re: Results Discusssion - Results so far and predictions
Soon my friend you will adopt the attitude of P's= Degrees, your marks are fine, it means you dont have to go back and do it again!
Yep, I am graduating FINALLY as a part time student it feels like i have been waiting a while for this day. Major bummer that i dont get to go to graduation though :(, I was kind of looking forward to that!
..So I have heard a few things about distance education and Charles Sturt, just wondering if anyone has undertaken post graduate studies via distance?
I did this course 100% remotely... was stressing out majorly cause the mid term almost everyone got a P and significant got a PC, then for the major assessment average mark again was a P!...
Some how managed to pull of the exam...
As for workload, there isnt an excessive workload but they are...
Begbie4017 - thats actually sad that you went to the lecture and you didnt have too... LOL
Anne - yeah its intense subject though, seriously there is a 12 page outline for a 1500 word report... now thats called CRAZY!!!!! Im so over it, and its only just started ohhhhh i wish i could graduate...
Very rare do they mark the role as majority of the lectures are run throughout the day and evening students cannot attend. They dont know if you do or do not turn up ..... though keep in mind some classes (those run as seminars) usually dont record the lecuture so you have no option but to turn...
Hmmm hope your preparing for your transition into retirement, you literally only have a few years left in you!!
In answer to your question... ....of course its like a retirement home, kinda one with, most of us cashed up and travelling frequently.. Im enjoying this retirement home!!