I'm only in year 11 but I've been thinking about what I can do for my Major Desgin project next year and I've got a couple ideas. They are:
1) Designing a flower girl dress that has everything (dress, jewellery, tiara and anything except the shoes)
2) Designing a couple of sets of...
I'm currently doing child care certificate 2 and I really shouldn't have started until this year but the school let me start early so hopefully I'll finish it this year and then go on to certificate 3! But I'm hopeing to get a traineeship when I leave school next year! :)
I need some help. My next assignment for art is Self and Identity and I have this idea for making this blanket made up of squares but I don't know what I can put on each different square to show my identity. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?!?!?!?!?!?:eek:
I'm currently doing Ancient History and Greek Drama because were at this part in the course where were looking at the Persain wars and due to that we're reading this play called the Persains which is written by this greek guy in the perspective of the Persains. All I basically want to know is if...