whats been getting me marks in section 3 is having my own definition that combines the syllabus rubric and my own ideas about what an imaginative journey is. I think the more personal you can make it the better-section 3 is all about engaging with the texts and by providing your own definition...
CSSA trial
12/15 (much improved from half yearlies)
13/15 (everyone at my school screwed up this section and only did 1 additional text so they automatically deducted two marks)
all in all not too happy but wasnt worth too much, thank god for paper 2
"the process of transformation involves more than the adaptation of ideas and characters to contemporary audiences and situations"
discuss with reference to your texts blah
"the transformation creates a new text that both reinforces and undermines responses to the old text"
discuss with...
just finished 'grass for his pillow' was awesome and have convinced the parentals to get me the next 'brillance of the moon' as present for studying. also reading:
hamlet and R & G are dead
american beauty
all quiet on the western front
and rereading 'the da vinci code'
two hour exam finished it in 40 minutes (including checking over it THREE TIMES!!) and was made to sit there for the other hour and 20 minutes
+ it was my birthday-was I bored of what!!
Did well though but it was an easy exam