Well uni hasn't started yet but im undertaking a maths bridging course and after 3 hours of being in a classroom in a long time im feeling very overwhelmed and depressed that im not going to be able to do it.
If this course doesn't help me transfer at the end of the year im pretty much...
Re: FAQ: Late Round Offers
Very unlikely unless they still have vacancies.
Fisrt round offers = ~57000
Late round offers = ~ 7000
Final round offers = ~ 1700
Im not saying give up, but understand that if you are trying to get into a high demand course i doubt you will get it because all the...
Architecure is a nice cushy job unlike the construction industry + lots of money (if you can find the work) we needed a heritage architect a week ago and she charged $175 an hour + $1200 for a 5 page report that can be done in 6 hours. Theres money in architecture if you can get the work so you...
Thats the course that i want to do aswell (unsw) not for the prestige but because i like the modules in it better, but CPM at UTS is way better if you plan on learning a new language or doing an overseas exchange. Besides Construction management at UNSW is always full the first round and they...
So many people have asked this question. If you have accepted your offer you can put it in 9th position or you could probobly delete it but i just put it in 9th place.
Just so everyone know's, today is the last day to change your preferences for the next round so make sure you are prepared.
And if you haven't accepted you offers i suggest you do so to avoid disappointment.
You will get bored, ive been applying to uni for quite a few years now and every year i was working (within a family company not getting paid) while also studying at TAFE, even doing all that i got bored, although the past year has been the worst since ive only been working.
IF you can afford to...
It's competitions and things that promote progress that make me want to start an engineering course, an engineering course is something that i also dread (purley because of my inability to focus on even the most rudimentary mathematical problems)
To whom ever is doing an engineering or design...
As she said you wont lose your offer so long as you accept it this round, you can always cancel your acceptance to optometry if you get into commerce law so accept it now before the offer lapses and then cancel if you have to. Better to have a optometry as a safety incase you dont get commerce law.
Accept your offer because there is no guarantee that you will get an offer in the following rounds, at least this way you will have your first offer to fall back on if you dont get anything else.
That offer lapses if you dont accept it and you wait until the later round where it is possibly...
Most of mine were auto allocated i only picked 4 times and the ones i could pick were all the same time, spring is 2 days a week mon and tues, autumn is 3 days a week mon, tues (only 1 3 hour lec) and thurs (again 1 3 hour lec)
Yes you need your TFN and you need to fill in the CAF form before...
Yeah im pretty unhappy with that too, also unhappy with the fact that i have to go 2 days for 1 course each day, granted they are 3 hours but still kind of a waste of a full day that i could be working instead.
Tue 15:00 Building Technology lec 180 -aut
Thu 17:00 Built Environment Law lec 180 -aut
You have already picked your times geez i better get on it, im not 100% if im going to UTS or not thats why i didn't want to select times until later but if they are already open i better do it now rather then wait and get crap times.
Edit : Let me guess you are unhappy with Built Environment...
Can we already pick out our times? Btw im most likely going to UTS but i wanted to wait for the next round to be sure.
I thought we picked our timetable after a specific date not straight away, this im assuming is to give everyone a chance of getting a decent timetable.
Personally i would pick B Arts in Communication (info+media) and International studies, this is the one where you get to learn a new language and go overseas yes? if not then i would go for B Communication/B Arts - University of Queensland
Whats stopping you from accepting it now and if you change your mind canceling it? You can cancel at anytime after accepting the offer.
http://www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/key-dates.shtml According to this you should change your preferences before the 25th of Jan so i would accept before the...