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Search results

  1. I

    Engish and Maths Tutoring for Primary and Secondary Students, North Ryde Area

    Hey guys, I'm Peter and I'm currently tutoring for a wide range of subjects namely Chemistry, Mathematics (Up to Extension 2 maths), English Advanced and Latin. I was a HSC all-rounder with a UAI of 99.85. I scored 96 in Chemistry, 94 in English Advanced, 97 in Mathematics Extension 1, 96 in...
  2. I

    a question

    PVC isnt that unreactive. For example when it is used in hoses it degrades rather readily due to the effects of UV light.
  3. I

    Is chemisty freaking awesome?

    Chem opens a lot of doors. Although a few courses remain that require you to have chem as a prerequesite subject many courses require you to have some knowledge of chemistry. It also happens to be a well scaling science subject.
  4. I

    english not counting in final uai...

    Your best two units of English count. The only way to completely avoid advanced English is to do 4U English.
  5. I

    Why does my school appear only to be studying Module B?

    Yeh, you stick to that module for the entire year which is great because you can really focus on that area rather than just having an overly broad outlook on English. Makes it a lot easier to study as well.
  6. I

    Wanted: Latin tutor!

    Latin requires continuous work. Doing last minute translations will not get you the mark you want. Latin Extension however is a great subject. Not only is it easier in terms of the amount of translations you have to do but the subject is more engaging and creative.
  7. I

    99.85 UAI English, Maths, Latin and Chemistry tutoring

    Hey guys, I'm Peter and I'm currently tutoring for a wide range of subjects namely Chemistry, Mathematics (Up to Extension 2 maths), English Advanced and Latin. I was a HSC all-rounder with a UAI of 99.85. I scored 96 in Chemistry, 94 in English Advanced, 97 in Mathematics Extension 1, 96 in...
  8. I

    Aeneid Translations

    Sastrawan asking for translations?! Dude...You're better than me at Latin...You don't need it.
  9. I

    Latin results?
